By ohokay - 24/01/2013 02:59 - United States - Bronx

Today, I found my boyfriend's Facebook page. I also found his wife's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 757
You deserved it 5 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should friend Request her! That will burst his cheating bubble.

Good day it is then! Start the celebrations! You now know him for the ass he is.


I always hear that Facebook ruins lives,relationships,marriages, friendships, etc. I dont think it does, it just shows how fake some ppl are. In this case it even helped by letting u know you've been wasting time with a cheating asshole. I never understood why anyone who cheats would put their personal info on their page only so they can get caught so easily like OP's (hopefully ex bf) Either they're really dumb, don't care, or maybe a combination of both:p Either way I never used Facebook because I enjoy interacting with ppl face to face. Its amazing how different many ppl are behind a computer screen as opposed to how they act in real life. Plus, I watched too many episodes of 'Catfish.' Lol :p

Facebook: ruining relationships and exposing infidelity since 2008.

Oops. That dude is busted. I wouldn't send a friend request to the wife. I would just let the guy know what you found and that he can take his cheating ass right out of your life.

whatwhatbuttbutt 4

I feel your pain. Sigh. At least you know he's scum.

Green_submarine 4

Note to men: us women, find out everything.

RedPillSucks 31

Hide yo girlfriend. Hide yo OTHER girlfriend... They be findin out stuff ova here

That's why you should always lie about your name (for him). Lol just kidding. That's brutal OP. sorry to hear that.

Stop being so nosey and you wouldn't have to deal with this. Uhh... Sarcasm alert.

MEM0817 18

Been there... It's always a blast to find something awesome like that!

It seems like most relationships have had cheating in them at one point or another. Why is it so hard for people to stay committed to just one person?