Death cult

By Anonymous - 27/11/2021 05:01

Today, my aunt told me that I'm dead to her now and not to visit them ever again. Why? She found out that I'm pro-choice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 082
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She’s trying in a misguided way to change your mind. Just forget her for now. While I have mixed feelings about “choice” you still get to make up your own mind not be dictated to by relatives.


She’s trying in a misguided way to change your mind. Just forget her for now. While I have mixed feelings about “choice” you still get to make up your own mind not be dictated to by relatives.

I hope she is not christian. Cause if she is she has completely misunderstood what christianity is all about.