By Noname - 16/03/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I found an old dress in my house laying around. I decided to dye it green to wear it out on St. Patrick's day. Turns out it was my grandmother's wedding dress that my sister was planning to wear for her wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 247
You deserved it 179 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** kind of wedding dress was it that you couldn't tell?

This is why you pay attention to things that arent yours!


I think any normal person would notice a WEDDING DRESS "laying around". Besides, wouldn't you ask who's dress was there seriously, complete carelessness.

Today, my sister found my wedding dress which also used to belong to my grandmother and decided it would be a good idea to dye it green and wear it out for St. Patrick's day. Now my wedding is ruined. FML

lab2lb 0

why would you wear anything remotely close to a wedding dress out on st patty's day?

ummmyeahhh 0 mother wore a plain white dress for her wedding. it had long sleeves and went to her knees. i didnt know it was a wedding dress until i saw the pictures. you can't always tell. and some brides didnt wear fancy dresses, especially not in the grandmother's time...

thereveille 0

Why in the world would you wear something like a wedding dress in public? Unless you were getting married, of course. This is where the buying-a-t-shirt-would've-been-better thoughts should've come into your head.

lolurfuched 0

if i know women there is no way theyd **** up that bad when it comes to clothes which leads to my theories 1: your a guy. (and in this case why the hell would you be wearing a dress, let alone a WEDDING dress) 2:This is fake 3: your a five year old in special ed who somehow managed to dye a dress green 4: you hate FML so you choose to fill its database with your stupidity

haha #8 she is the black sheep of the family now.... i mean green sheep :D