By Anonymous - 05/04/2016 20:13 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I forgot an important book for school, because I dreamt that I was putting it in my bag. My brain somehow classified it as reality. This isn't the first time my dreams have trolled me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 199
You deserved it 2 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh I've done that many times as well. I once dreamed we had a new puppy when I was little and I remember waking up so upset because it wasn't real. I still remember what my dream puppy looked like. I've also turned my alarms off in the morning and fallen asleep instantly and dreamt I had gotten up and got ready for work which then of course made me run late. I'm a weird sleeper.

I once dreamed I woke up, did my morning rituals, packed my briefcase and filled up my travel mug. I then woke up with ten minutes to leave for work. I dashed out of the shower, grabbed my briefcase and coffee mug, and headed out the door. I discovered there was neither coffee in my mug, nor the paperwork I needed that day in my briefcase. I feel for you.


Congratulations, you just played yourself

Well now that you know know you can manipulate your dreams try having better ones.

you got that backwards. OP was the one manipulated, not the dreams.

Oh I've done that many times as well. I once dreamed we had a new puppy when I was little and I remember waking up so upset because it wasn't real. I still remember what my dream puppy looked like. I've also turned my alarms off in the morning and fallen asleep instantly and dreamt I had gotten up and got ready for work which then of course made me run late. I'm a weird sleeper.

nityasomaiya 46

Oh, just try and beat mine. I dreamt I was in the washroom and peed on my bed instead #sadlife

TabooSushi 24

Nope, happens even when you aren't drunk. Source: It's happened to me, and I don't drink except on special occasions, and never to the point of being drunk.

yeaaah, you don't have to be drunk for that to happen, it's happened to me as well

I once dreamed I woke up, did my morning rituals, packed my briefcase and filled up my travel mug. I then woke up with ten minutes to leave for work. I dashed out of the shower, grabbed my briefcase and coffee mug, and headed out the door. I discovered there was neither coffee in my mug, nor the paperwork I needed that day in my briefcase. I feel for you.

Luckily it was just a book. I shutter to think that this happens with some thing really serious.

NICE!!! I didn't even know I set you up for that!!

One day, I dreamed I had a cat. After I woke up, I was crying because I couldn't find it. Then I realised I didn't have one.

drayloon 50

I hate it when I have conversations with people in my dreams and I later bring them up while talking to them in reality, then I realize how stupid I look since the conversation never took place. ******* brain.

JustStella 28

My best friend does that to me ALL THE TIME! She'll start talking to me and I'm all like: "what?" Then she makes a face and says, oh, that was a dream! ? OP, this is so common. I dreamt there was cheese in my house once. Woke up, was gonna make me a sandwich... no cheese. Devastation doesn't even begin to cover it.

I dream sometimes of conversations I want to have with someone like my mother, so sometimes I ask if I had told her something before I continue in case it had only happened in a dream. Dreams are tricky.

Have you tried using a spinning top?

Brain: 1. OP: 0, because you were unprepared for lecture. How disappointing.