No friends left

By Anonymous - 18/11/2020 17:02 - United States

Today, I’ve dreamt of going back to high school so many times, every morning I wake up thinking I finished it twice and still have all my friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 723
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I assume you graduated last year. There will always be times that are particularly important to us. But you have to find ways to move on and find new surroundings and friends. The current pandemic makes this much more difficult now, I understand. But it won’t last forever. Make plans for your next chapter, a job or college or trade school. That will help you have new experiences and new friends.

These kinds of dreams would be with me. I finally went back to school, in this case culinary school, a few years ago. I did fairly well and I think I did kind of a redo of how I approached high school. I don't really dream that way anymore. Hoping you find what you are hoping to conquer


OP, I assume you graduated last year. There will always be times that are particularly important to us. But you have to find ways to move on and find new surroundings and friends. The current pandemic makes this much more difficult now, I understand. But it won’t last forever. Make plans for your next chapter, a job or college or trade school. That will help you have new experiences and new friends.

These kinds of dreams would be with me. I finally went back to school, in this case culinary school, a few years ago. I did fairly well and I think I did kind of a redo of how I approached high school. I don't really dream that way anymore. Hoping you find what you are hoping to conquer