By barbieissocute - 01/02/2016 03:27 - United States - Elizabethtown

Today, I flipped out with happiness over the new Barbies. I want to buy one. I'm almost 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 529
You deserved it 6 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mackade 18

is someone stopping you from getting one? so what if you buy a barbie..

I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm almost 20 and I collect special edition Barbies. Been doing it since I was 8 years old.


Mackade 18

is someone stopping you from getting one? so what if you buy a barbie..

my dad he said if I get one I will be kicked out I'm 17 same with pop figurerens

his thinking is I have better things to think about like jobs and collage and not "baby" toys

I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm almost 20 and I collect special edition Barbies. Been doing it since I was 8 years old.

I do too! I mostly just like their dresses.

You wanna trade your curvaceous Barbie for my Charizard? Nah. Just kidding. Charizard is way cooler than Barbie.

I just wish they were bought out when I did play with them! I bet my younger self would have got way more fun out of playing with them, my imagination isn't what it used to be.

ananicosia 28

If you want one so bad, just buy it. No one is there to judge you

Well tons of people might judge but who gives a shit about them right?

I don't think anyone would judge. Adults buy toys for their children and other people's children all the time. I don't see how this would be perceived any differently.

I kinda want one of the new Barbies, and I'm a guy! What's up with that? lol

yeah, but you guys can call them action figures, and then suddenly it's a cool thing for grown ups..

Each to their own! I'm still obsessed with my Neopets *shurgs*

Hey, if it helps, I have a twin who's my age (20 - obviously lol) and she still occasionally logs onto her Webkinz account

I used to have really cool Neopets and loads of Neopoints but I gave it all away and closed my account because I thought I was too old, silly me! I hope they made their next owner happy.

High five! Fellow neo addict here. Going to be 22 this month.

Hey, I still have my account I've had since the site opened, and log in usually once a day because the lab ray. There are lots of "adults" who still play.