By Bekah - 04/07/2011 13:24 - United States

Today, I finished reading a book about the treatment of mental patients and decided to use some of the strategies on my dad. We've never gotten along better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 627
You deserved it 4 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsvag 10

Maybe next you should invest in a straight jacket.


HahaYDI 0

Mhmm, and how does that make you feel?

What is the name of that book? I need to know.

Wow, there are a lot of comments removed and moderated. The moderator must have taken this post personal :/

hallezra 3

in a way that's kinda ****** up... but what ever makes your relationship with him better.

someone should help chuck noland, my owner, too.

Baluvagyok 7

What's the book called???!!!

smashley920 2

I've worked with mental patients before, and there aren't a certain set of guidelines for dealing with that population that ONLY work for them, as opposed to dealing with other "normal" people. You do your best to be respectful, stay calm, don't yell, don't provoke anything, and if a situation does arise, you do your best to deescalate it by using these techniques instead of freaking out. It's no wonder these methods work on your dad... I suspect they'd work on anyone.

Chrispayne 4

Sounds like a book i need to read. Whats the name

At least you're getting along with your Dad!