By Bekah - 04/07/2011 13:24 - United States

Today, I finished reading a book about the treatment of mental patients and decided to use some of the strategies on my dad. We've never gotten along better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 627
You deserved it 4 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsvag 10

Maybe next you should invest in a straight jacket.


why was my earlier comment removed.?

Because you touch yourself at night? Maybe it's because you didn't read the FAQ, but it's probably a combination of the two.

No. It's just because he touches himself at night. The FAQ has nothing to do with it.

whats so bad about getting along with some one??????

Badtz_maru_fml 0

You may want to consider why exactly that is...

Lights_Out_fml 6

Shouldn't getting along be a good thing? and you should go get that checked out. As a Nurse Practitioner, that doesn't sound good that it worked if you don't know what it is.

stormracer101 5

I need the title of that book. My mother and I butt heads all the time. as far back as I can remember too.

Are you sure the book you read wasn't "How to Please Your Man" ? Just because the book is about satsifying horny men, does not mean it involves dealing with mentally ill people.

Ew. Considering this FML is about how well the OP is now getting along with their /dad/, I highly doubt it. Your comment rang all kinds of creepy bells and it makes me question your relationship with your parents...

I hate when people try to discover underlying issues in what somebody says. It's called a BAD JOKE.

I couldn't agree with you more. In addition to 'bad', feel free to include other adjectives such as: inappropriate and tasteless. :D

holly_41611 0

hahaha I could use that book for my dad

why is that an fml its great you guys are getting along