By lorrilanee - 20/11/2010 06:20 - Australia

Today, I finally made out with my boyfriend. Let's just say his idea of making out is moving his tongue like a lizard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 187
You deserved it 5 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you mean there's a different way?? I just can't keep up with all these new trends :S

Draminicaus 0

There is such a thing as constructive criticism. Wait until a time when sex isn't on the brain and then start a conversation about things that do and don't turn each other on. In a very nice way, explain to him that kissing like the wacky-waving, inflatable, arm-flailing tube-man just doesn't do it for you and politely give him pointers. His ego might be hurt a little bit by it, so try to keep it as caring and considerate as possible. Keywords: NICELY, POLITELY, CONSIDERATE, PENGUIN


eww I got off with a guy like that before ! get rid of him , it's gross !

really ima need the 14 yr olds to get off of fml please! I don't understand how anyone would date someone without kissing them first...unless you are inexperienced and like 14....this is not a f Your life....more like fml for having to read it!! YDI!!

for # 35 and 37 no I didn't say that I was saying that this site isn't for 14yr olds. also im guessing if you are referring to me being a **** then you guys really must not have a sex life or maybe you are just as young as the op! please grow up before replying again thanks! :)

darling sort your life out. you were clearly brought up pretty bad if you think you should get with a guy before going out with him, and I'm not 14, I'm 18.

Hey, Stacy, you should check to see if you're eligible for Social Security Disability, because I'm sure you'd be eligible to receive it on the basis that you're most likely legitimately retarded.

really kaysl....I was obviously stating that the other 2 comments had not gotten my point in the first place, but since you like to but in and act ignorant and be a smart ass I guess I should go ahead and reply. Next time please read the statement and fully understand it before running your mouth kaysl. Thanks!

#47 and 49 I guess you haven't read any of the other comments left by other people. Everyone in their right mind are saying that you should atleast kiss someone before calling them their bf/gf. Iam guessing maybe you 2 and the others that commented must be internet nerds that don't get out much so maybe you would go for the whole "virgin" aspects calling someone your bf/gf before even receiving any kind of personal touch...including a simple hug. Or maybe you only have online bf's/gf's...get a life please!

I'm sorry I don't feel the need to shove my tongue down a person's throat for 5 minutes before I date them. I'm sorry someone put Elmer's Glue in your milk bottle as a child.

Draminicaus 0

if someone needs to make out with someone else before they date to be over the age of 14, then I must be the world's only 13-yr old 20-yr old. Just because you've never felt the need be a lady doesn't mean you should judge the girls that do.

lmao!!! #60 your profile says it all. im done proving my point...cuz you just did it for me! and yes kaysl I love having the last word and I did say that shit about you! DEAL WITH IT! I have wasted enough of my precious life just commenting back to you losers. DONE!

I think those are supposed to be words, but all I read was herrrrpa derrrrpa derrrrp

Life is only precious when you're doing something with it, and I don't think jamming your tongue down random guys' throats counts as doing something with your life. I don't know how you made it to 23 without wandering out onto a busy highway to get to some guy on the other side.

yes, 35 must be 14 cause every 14 year old in my town has tattoos like that.

lol! #60 your profile says it all! im done!

Alas poor stayc. I knew her, Horatio. Midnight and Ayame, nicely done. KaySL, you showed excellent restraint in not tearing her throat out. I'm sorry I missed all of that.


I agree with Stacy, how could u refer to someone a bf/gf if you've never even kissed them (a peck doesn't count). Stacy wasn't saying that u have to sleep with em before you're a couple so y is everyone over-reacting

Most people don't view kissing and making out as exactly the same thing. Especially as kisses can just be a simple peck or polite kiss, whereas making out tends to be a bit more involved, sometimes with some hand action too. Depends on the person as to how they define it exactly, but I would say the latter tends not to be done before you decide that person is your bf/gf.

randall_doak 4

See, why can't more people be like Cinn? She is the one that actually knows what the hell she is talking about, and can make a statement without getting all bitchy, and crying about a pointless internet blog.... Really everyone that has commented so far besides Cinn needs to grow the hell up!

shorty17 0

like…seriously. this is NOT a fml.

Gene's tongue goes through their entire body. It'd definitely get caught near the gallbladder though. That's a tricky part of the body

give him your idea of a hand job and clap your hands on his twig and berries.

mona_is_here 10

You know you're a bad kisser when...

teddygraham1 1

... your mouth is compared to that of a reptile

peachezthelette 22

Wow and I thought I wud be bad the first time..... o.O