By UrbanCass - 25/06/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, I finally had sex with a girl I've been dating for over a month. Before we got started she told me not to worry about the birth control because she could handle that. So after we finished I asked her what kind of birth control she used. She said she meditated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 452
You deserved it 76 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, YDI. Take some responsibility for yourself you idiot.

No control is the best control.............. You can secretly mixed the plan b into her food or drink


Leptailurus 0

LOL. Sounds like you picked a real winner there.

In a month, you didn't realise she was a little... weird? But ready to have sex with! Right.............

fuckmyl1f333 0

dude, that's ****** up..... that's not where you punch.

No no no... punch her in the stomach. That ought to take care of that baby...

You should always wear a rubber anyway unless you've both been tested for stds recently.

I really hate to call fake, but this is stolen directly from one of those canceled Fox comedies... I think it was Titus.

You are correct. This is from Titus. I have all the seasons and am an avid fan. Fake.

dam i miss Titus, it was a dam good show

A daddy and aids patient. Wear a condom....

You do realize that AIDS doesn't just magically appear, right? Your partner has to be infected and it didn't imply anything remotely similar in the FML.

I think #22 was referring to the fact that although OP was obviously concerned about ensuring no pregnancy (not enough to ask any follow up questions but anyway..) however BC does nothing to protect against STDs. So he very realistically could have AIDs right now, or a host of other diseases.

It's funny how all the really stupid shit here on fml pertains to women. Like the mother who went to see a psychic about her son's sexuality. ****, I lol'd though, this is hilarious. Fyl dude, make sure next time

Actually in reply both men and women are implicated equally in the FMLs for the most part. So take your sexism and shove it

snowbordnelephnt 0

take your feminism and ruin someone else's country with it

YDI for not asking what kind before the sex....