By anonymous - 01/03/2013 15:52 - United States - La Grande

Today, I filled out an application for a job at Dairy Queen. I handed my application to the manager along with my résumé, and he said he'd be in contact with me. Not even five minutes after I left, a friend who works there sent me a picture of my crumpled-up application in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 249
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw the Queen, long live the Burger King! Together you can take down the cruel manager and rule the White Castle

HowAreYouToday 34

I dairy you to try Cold Stone next.


Just a thought, maybe your friend took the picture just to screw with you. Pretty sure they wouldn't actually toss something like that out that quickly.

That's actually illegal. Companies are required to keep your application on file for at least a year, by Federal guidelines.

I dont think this one even went On the record.

Why does it matter if he keeps the application or not? It's quite obvious here that he's not gonna employ OP. I don't think it will make OP happier knowing the application is in his office for a year collecting dust!

38 - Unless there is a specific "trash" for shredding, the manager mishandled OP's personal info; she'll now have to put fraud alerts on all her financial accounts and maybe hire a identity protection service.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I'm not sure, but I believe that the whole keeping the applications for a specific time frame even when they were not hired may be due to unemployment insurance records. If you have unemployment insurance you are required to fill out a form every week or so and state when and where you have applied to so they know that you are genuinely active in seeking employment. If you haven't applied anywhere in that week or two then they will discontinue your benefits. But I may be wrong. I'm just trying to give a reason for keeping a record of applications for any time period.

man I feel that. there just isn't any work out there

guccimama 2

Thats very rude and ill-mannered. Some queen.

jdime209 2

I have a shot gun, want to borrow it? Lol

Maybe it's the "Excessive ************" you wrote down for any skills that you have.

perdix 29

#33, and were they rejected for their onanism or their poor spelling?

I hear that. Dont lose heart. We're all suffering in terms of finding jobs. Maybe have a look over your cv and see if you can make any improvements. It's all about selling yourself.

Your friend doesn't sound much like a friend if thats how he tells you "you didn't get the job"

sugarbear0727 19

Thats illegal. You can sue. They have to keep your application for at least six months.