By anonymous - 01/03/2013 15:52 - United States - La Grande

Today, I filled out an application for a job at Dairy Queen. I handed my application to the manager along with my résumé, and he said he'd be in contact with me. Not even five minutes after I left, a friend who works there sent me a picture of my crumpled-up application in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 249
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw the Queen, long live the Burger King! Together you can take down the cruel manager and rule the White Castle

HowAreYouToday 34

I dairy you to try Cold Stone next.


crammer1 6

What's funny is you thought Dairy Queen deserved a résumé!

BellaBelle_fml 23

Every position you apply for deserves a résumé. Providing the company you are seeking employment from with a résumé is not only proper protocol, but it also shows your motivation and respect for said company.

Hot or not, OP? On a more serious note, this FML makes it sound as though he threw it away before even reading which could mean they arent hiring. Hiring or not however, it's very rude to cast aside ones requests.

Wow, some friend. When I was stuck in retail, they would keep applications around for a long time, no matter how bad it was. So either that's someone else's thrown in the trash and your "friend" is ******* with you, or the manager did something he probably wasn't supposed to and your friend is ******* with you.

CAJustise 9

If you live in the US, that's AWESOME, cause you just found yourself a job! That action is illegal in the US and can be punished by a hefty fine, civil liability and loss of a business license. So go remind him of that and get your job.

Atchoo 8

I only wish I could thumb this up a dozen more times.

eaglerob 20

That lil top on Dairy Queen ice cream is magical!

how rude maybe they should call it dairy bitch

If you have to threaten legal action to force them to employ you, they probably wouldn't make your time there very pleasant. I'd have to be pretty desperate for work in order to bull my way into a job where I wasn't wanted. I know times are tough, but I hope you think about that before you take the advice of all the people telling you to sue.

amogletree 6

Maybe they think you're too qualified and will leave when a better opportunity opens up? That would be a waste of time and money for them to train you and stuff so idk maybe that's why?

Maybe. The same thing happened to me. Except they rescinded the job offer after I accepted out of desperation due to being unemployed for 2 months. They felt I would leave (which was true) at the first available opportunity because their offer was less than half of what I previously made.

I make half of what I did 15 years ago.

RicanGata91 7

Sorry about that..Well there's your proof,take his ass to court for discrimination!

If that's how they are, you probably don't want to work there anyway.