By anonymous - 01/03/2013 15:52 - United States - La Grande

Today, I filled out an application for a job at Dairy Queen. I handed my application to the manager along with my résumé, and he said he'd be in contact with me. Not even five minutes after I left, a friend who works there sent me a picture of my crumpled-up application in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 249
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw the Queen, long live the Burger King! Together you can take down the cruel manager and rule the White Castle

HowAreYouToday 34

I dairy you to try Cold Stone next.


As a manager of a retail store it annoys me and my other managers when people feel the need to bring in a résumé. Come on man we sell shoes! Do you really think we want to see that when all the info we need is on the application?

Were you high when you turned it in? Wait if you were they would've hired you then and there.

Take that pic to the labor board! It's illegal to throw away applications like that! Believe me, you'll have the last laugh if you do!

That's rude. Some employers are such douchebags...

skittyskatbrat 19

Having worked with hiring managers and screening applicants, I bet one of these was true. Your handwriting sucked. The application was full of misspellings. You used pink, purple, or sparkly ink. You came in wearing really casual clothes (wifebeaters on guys, spaghetti tops and too-tight shorts on gals, rubber flipflops, etc.) You brought your friends in with you. You were rude to one of the employees. Your cell phone ring was loud, obnoxious, and offensive...and you left it on when you came in. And didn't apologize and immediately shut it off. Any of those, and yes, your application would have gone into the circular filing bin, immediately. There are a few other possibilities, but those were usually the ones!