By unicornlovet - 23/02/2019 16:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I filled in for my absent pregnant co-worker like I have done since she went on disability a month ago, at the job I’ve been doing for 15 months. Today the replacement they hired also came to work, and I had to train her since she has more experience and got the maternity leave position over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 987
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArbiterOfFML 24

I really couldn't understand what this said tbh.

Don’t know what “mat leave” is. Is that slang for maternity leave? Why would you be training someone who has more experience than you? And why would it be an FML if she got the job over you?


My condolences! I’m sorry I saw this story for the first time. It must be worse to have to suffer through it twice.

ArbiterOfFML 24

I really couldn't understand what this said tbh.

Don’t know what “mat leave” is. Is that slang for maternity leave? Why would you be training someone who has more experience than you? And why would it be an FML if she got the job over you?

Yes, mat leave would be maternity leave. OP is training the replacement because the replacement has more experience with the pregnant coworkers job duties but probably doesn't know the OP's office's specific procedural norms so has to be taught those. I'm not really sure why this is an FML. It doesn't make sense for the company to temporarily move OP to the coworker's job for a few months while the co-worker is out, hire a temporary replacement for OP's job that presumably still needs done too, and then move OP back to their original job when the co-worker is back. Makes more sense to just hire a temp to do the job of the person who's temporarily out on leave. Which is what they did.

This is way too complicated and a minor annoyance to be a good FML story.

They wanted you to go back to doing your original job, so they hired someone to cover the position you are covering?

Mr_Mole 24

Maternity cover is usually covered by a temp. They can’t hire a permanent replacement by law. That’s why they can’t promote you.

Why would you want to move into a temporary role?

Maybe the role she’s in isn’t permanent either.