Time for a dirty protest

By Anonymous - 12/01/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I asked my boss if he was getting temp workers to cover the three ladies from my office on maternity for at least the next two years. He laughed at my fine joke, then said my office will just have to cope. I’m the only member of that office left. I have to do the work of four people for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 709
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time to find a new job and see how funny your boss finds that

do only what you're supposed to do and see how he likes it when stuff gets backed up. do you have hr there? talk to them. I would also be looking for another job as back up.


time to find a new job and see how funny your boss finds that

do only what you're supposed to do and see how he likes it when stuff gets backed up. do you have hr there? talk to them. I would also be looking for another job as back up.

Time to find a new job. The ship is sinking fast.

Sounds to me like it's high-time he found out what it's like for him to have to get the work of 4 people done for the next 2-years-minus-the-time-it-takes-you-to-get-a-new-job without anyone working for him.

EricW 4

Find another job and let him cope

Sonotsuave 35

Lmao you don’t “have” to do anything. Get something else lined up and quit.

Two years of maternity leave? Are you working with elephants?

EricW 4

Time to leave for another job. Let him cope alone

Wait wait wait... maternity leave for TWO YEARS? Wow... I'm definitely living in the wrong country. We're lucky to get two months here.