By eagerbeaver - 03/09/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I figured out that a $40 phone case does not protect your $500 phone from a five year-old throwing it off a fourth story balcony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 158
You deserved it 8 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sell the kid, get a new phone. Problem solved.

YDI for throwing a five year old of a four story balcony.


jeocon10 0

#1dont use it so it wont get broken

Don't use your phone? Why would you buy a phone and not use it?

fmlfmlfml15 0

YDI for buying $500 for a phone and $40 for a phone case

I'm 99% sure it's an iPhone with a good case. I would spent money for a case too but it's never made for 4 story drops unless it's an otterbox

suaveneanderthal 0

well guess what does protect that 500 dollar phone? the insurance policy that you bought for it, and if you don't have insurance then YDI for sure

allocomrade 0

49 shut the **** he got an i-phone, those can be very useful...the 40 case is like insurance to ensure maximum, he does not deserve it, ur just a self righteous ass hole

allocomrade 0

49 shut the **** he got an i-phone, those can be very useful...the 40 case is like insurance to ensure maximum, he does not deserve it, ur just a self righteous ass hole

fmlfmlfml15 0

i-phones are $199 or $99 depends on which phone he buys

the_stereotype 0

i'm going to say YDI for putting your $500 phone where a 5-year-old could get it

Seriously, I am pretty sure the only response for this FML is "Well... duh..."

with a three year contract their 99$ without their 500$

i love how all these old comments say "i-phone" it goes to show how much changes in a little over a year. i-phone ---> iPhone :]

if it was that expensive (stupid iPhones), I would have boughten an at least $90 cas

also depends on how many gigs... with more gigs more money

footcheezeez 16

You are a ******* idiot. I bought mine for... lets use our brains, 49... About 800 ******* DOLLARS!!

Narelon 12

72, how is he self righteous? Seriously, he said nothing about himself.

all my phones that ive had went in the washing machine cause they were in my pockets and i forgot abpout them :

Jbiebs82 0

Well why would it? that sucks, probably should've kept it somewhere safer if it was so expensive, for example i protect my ipod and laptop with my life.

YDI for throwing a five year old of a four story balcony.

lifeislife_fml 0

the five year old threw it off if that happend to me i would kick his ass tell him to go get it the long way to

iJasper 8

why would it? and YDI for thinking it would. and FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lmao, epicFAILmaster. You're number 6, genius.

who spends $500 on a phone? thats the equivalent to about £250 or a little bit more....That is freaking ridiculous YDI for spending that much money on a phone.

My phone is worth like $600ish...but I got it for $53! Blackberry FTW.

brand new phones in australia are worth around $800

AUS$800 of course, not many shops here accept US$ - crazy I know, but true.

Yes, well I was talking about American dollars, so it's not the same thing is it.

bosshaug 0

8th ydi tho cause you are Mongolian

Hahaha. Whatta dick. YDI for existing tho.

p.s. a $500 phone? who would spend $540 for a god damn phone, when you can get one for about $100... oh wait hes probably a rich whiny bastard that can get whatever he wants. so in that case GET THE **** OVER YOURSELF. you probably have 4 backup ones anyway...

Yep, all people with disposable income have 5+ cell phones.

You realize he/she probably didn't actually pay $500 for the phone right? You can get some good plans for a smart phone. It's just that phone is worth that much.

Nice stereotyping! All those "don't judge" people lessons we learn as kids obviously don't apply to real life... Especially when you don't know the person AT ALL! Then, you're even more qualified to make assumptions about them :D

Sell the kid, get a new phone. Problem solved.

yeah great idea sell the kid! problem is 13# that im not sure who would buy him! If anything he'll pay to get rid of the kid to stop him braking any other phones