By Anonymous - 14/01/2012 00:09 - Sweden

Today, I dove head-first underneath my garage door, narrowly missing both the sensor and the closing door, executing a perfect roll, and popping back up onto my feet unscathed. My smugness went through the floor as I remembered I'd left my keys back in the house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 044
You deserved it 15 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you use your skills to get back into the house. You know up the tree, onto the ledge... You know!

Damn_Hippster 11

That's some Indian Jones shit right there. I wouldn't even care about the keys as long as at least one person saw that.


Ha goin from boss to fail now get the keys in the greatest way possible and u have the best story ever

Watch Out. We've got a badass over here.

dogpig 0

Wow that's grate I had to jump through my windo and found out the back door was unlocked FML to

bahahahaha!!!! awesome visuals, thanks :D

MullerMadness 0

Well if you can't think of anyway to get in find a window that will be cheap to replace and a nice big rock and use them skills to dodge the glass shards

Clamcreepy 7

"you failed me yet again starscream!"