By seanjohn268 - 29/11/2011 17:21 - Canada

Today, I discovered that you should always unplug the electric mixer before licking the beaters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 364
You deserved it 66 244

Same thing different taste


Isaac_The_Man 0

Using my perfect Red Foreman voice... "DUMBASS"

marisadc79 0

Totally hilarious comment, thumbs up fully

Your mother must be so proud to have raised such a good influence on us all.

I think one day you will get a Darwin award.

Well, I bet you learned your lesson and won't do that again, albeit most people don't need the pain of a twisted tongue to remember to unplug the mixers..

i did not learn any lesson here. its good practice to move your tongue fast and accuratly which is also good for..... nevermind :p hehe

MoNnEy_MiiTE 3

Looks like you got yourself in a toungue twister!

systems7 2

Been down that path it's a very painful thing to do.