By Drew - 06/03/2013 15:16 - United States - Great Falls

Today, I discovered that the neck injury that my mom has had since last week was planned just as an excuse not to shovel when today's snowstorm came. She has planned on being lazy for over a week now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 002
You deserved it 3 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nightwing98 22

Damn, that's a lot of planning just to be lazy. I'm pretty sure it's counter-productive.

perdix 29

Your mom is very industrious -- she had to combine the skills of a meteorologist, an orthopedist and an actress to pull off this trick. And what the **** kind of son are you? Why aren't you shoveling Momma's snow? She pushed your big, bulbous head through her ****** -- you owe her big time!


I can't even call that being lazy, that is more like good planning, timing and execution. For that performance I, after shoveling and salting, I would buy my mother dinner. Bravo and well done OPs mother.

watchitgo 4

Why wouldn't you just shovel it

Get off your butt you whiny, lazy-ass son and shovel the snow yourself. You should be ashamed that you're looking for sympathy here.

PartyChick55 13

That's when you accidentally fall down the stairs and sprain your leg. Then she'll have to do the shoveling next time when her so called "neck injury" has healed.

Come on, cut your mom some slack. I am not trying to be rude, but, she carried you around for 9 months, her bladder shrank to the size of a grape, she was gutted like a thanksgiving turkey, she had to take care of you for all your life, she deserves some lazy time, ya know. ;)

I'm going with the mom on this it's sad she has such a lazy child that she has to fake an injury to get some help around the house!

If you're a male under 30, shut up and quit whining. I'm nearly 18 and I shovel our driveway, sidewalks etc

fmlformyeveryday 3

Hmmmm... I'm reading all of these comments about how OP is lazy and that he should be doing more work. So tell me, if the mother fakes an injury to get her son to do work, who says that the son never does work in the first place? I always do my work around the house but my mom would be ashamed of herself if she did something like this. The whole point of a functional family is that everybody does their fair share. So OP, your mom sounds like an asshole to me.

SnoochBoochie 14

You shouldn't need your moms helo to shovel.

SnoochBoochie 14

Although a helo would make quick work, you shouldn't need her help of any kind. Plus her helo would piss off the neighbors. ;)