By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 06:38 - United States

Today, I discovered that just because I got my braces removed does not mean my painful mouth ulcers will stop. I now have them under my tongue. I can't even lick my lips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 372
You deserved it 2 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hoogapooga 0

Haha I know exactly how that feels, having had my braces removed a year ago. Don't worry, it'll pass, just give it a week or so (:

FYLDeep 25

I didn't have mouth ulcers back when I had braces or as a result of them being removed. You probably have some other sort of mouth related issue.


Ouch all the comments are disappearing, how lame lol.

your from Alabama stop sugar coating it, they are not mouth ulcers they are sheep herpes

damn... well anyway, how do you go about getting ulcers?

4- I get the feeling it's really canker sores, in which case they'd use Listerine to kill the bacteria and get rid of the infection.

hoogapooga 0

Haha I know exactly how that feels, having had my braces removed a year ago. Don't worry, it'll pass, just give it a week or so (:

I had mine taken off yesterday and nothing bad happened :D

kgraham21 0

I had braces for a little over a year and have had them off for a year and a half. I've never had problems caused from braces though.

perdix 29

That's what I was thinking! Depending on the answer the solution is: Apply Chap-Stik or Find a friendly lesbian (and dayum, girl, you are limber!)

you know, the kind of lips on your arm.....

mylifesucksserio 15

those hurt like hell, go get some of that gel you put on it to stop the pain, it hurts like hell when you apply it but it stops the pain for like 8 hours.

Iwashere12345 0

you mean ORAJEL that stuff is the shit man it works like instantly

FYLDeep 25

I didn't have mouth ulcers back when I had braces or as a result of them being removed. You probably have some other sort of mouth related issue.

FYLDeep 25

Either way she probably can't make a duckface the way you can.

FYLDeep 25

So you changed your picture and now you're trying to act like you are completely oblivious to what I wrote?

use listerine. it will kill the germs and bacteria and help it to heal faster. warning, it will sting at first. but keep using it.

FYLDeep 25

=======HEY DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION?======= Don't read the comment above me. Trust me, you're better off not knowing what's there.