By vaness@ - 06/12/2008 04:54 - France

Today, I decided to spend a night of love with my darling, so I arranged to meet him in a very classy hotel, gave him the room number and waited in a super-sexy outfit. There was a knock at the door, so I opened it enticingly, convinced it was him. It was room service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 389
You deserved it 11 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lubinduba 0

hotel employees see weirder stuff than this all the time it's no biggie

"A night of love with my darling." That made me laugh a lot D:


Eir_fml 1

Whatever, you're never going to see this person again, what does it matter?

Use the peep hole. You coulda been raped! O_O lol I'm sucha dork. :P

nnnntr 17
Lubinduba 0

hotel employees see weirder stuff than this all the time it's no biggie

dani_fizzle 0

its not so much that you deserved it more like.... you asked for it

What, did your guy never show up or something? Is that why it's a FML? That the only person who saw you like that was room service? Otherwise, I can tell you, room service sees/hears much worse things than a woman in a sexy outfit.

"A night of love with my darling." That made me laugh a lot D:

and thats why you should ALWAYS look through the peep hole!

ftsk_fan_12 0

1. next tim emaybe you should use the peephole and 2. hahahahahahahahah i so agree with #8. if my boyfriend texted me and said "are you ready for a night of love my darling?" i would probably punch myself in the face hahahahahahaha