By Kendall14159 - 17/04/2016 20:09 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I decided to pick up some breath mints. As I was checking out, the cashier informed me that if I was "planning on getting a girl to stay the night", I'd need the "stronger, more intense brand of mints". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 167
You deserved it 2 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saxaddict122 14

Unless you managed to pick the wrong gender for your profile, why would the cashier assume you are a lesbian?

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I see that the cashier was trying to get fresh with you. I'm sure they didn't mint what they said, so just take a big breath and ignore them, OP! Or, you know, brush your teeth / tongue, a bit more :P hygiene is sexy ;)


Would you prefer had he said nothing of your bad breath?

The cashier shouldn't have said that so bluntly. FYL

Sir_ND_Pity 35

I see that the cashier was trying to get fresh with you. I'm sure they didn't mint what they said, so just take a big breath and ignore them, OP! Or, you know, brush your teeth / tongue, a bit more :P hygiene is sexy ;)

saxaddict122 14

Unless you managed to pick the wrong gender for your profile, why would the cashier assume you are a lesbian?

Perhaps the cashier knows OP personally? Or maybe OP is a regular customer and thus the two have become somewhat familiar with one another. Either of those situations might also explain why the cashier felt at liberty to be so sassy with a customer.

My guess was that the cashier was into women and was speaking from experience, or that the world is finally leaving heteronormativity behind

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@16 the gender identifier for the post says female

On my app it doesn't have the OP's gender. Just the username.

Yeaah, I really wish the app would show gender and location once again. Even if not in situation like this, we are missing a lot of info.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

OP could have been dressed as what people look at as the stereotypical lesbian. Or OP could have been wearing a shirt that says "I LIKE ******."

I'm surprised a cashier would even say something so incredibly rude like that. I wouldn't even try for fear the customer would complain to the manager and I would get fired. Although, maybe they just don't care, or worse, maybe they are the manager.

If your breath smelled that bad that a cashier could smell it 1-2 feet away, there's a problem

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Some people breathe really hard which presses the scent of your breath towards them. I babysat a kid who was a mouth breather and you could smell his breath from 2 feet away. It wasn't necessarily bad, but you could smell it.

We'll never know what she really mint.

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You're allowed to write the word "****" here at "**** My Life." Just FYI.