By Sad elf - 15/12/2016 13:42 - Australia - Brookfield

Today, after weeks of tirelessly organising a Secret Santa with work colleagues, we finally exchanged gifts. I got a stapler, which had been stolen from my desk the day before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 929
You deserved it 671

Same thing different taste

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Office Space, anyone? "Have you seen my stapler?" Apparently someone did. :D

I guess it depends on whether it was only a gift exchange, or an entire Christmas party: all the secret santas I've been to included food and fun activities. I've organized just one with my classmates (around 30 people), and it actually took more time than you'd think to prepare (shopping, decorating, finding a date that fits for everyone who wants to participate, signing people up for a potluck, following up on what they're bringing, check for allergies, picking names, preparing "extra presents" in case there are no-shows, renting tv and movies, asking people to bring games, organizing group activities, etc). So if there's many employees (like 50+), I could easily see how organizing it could take time.


Well, hey, you got it back! You're clearly ungrateful... yeah...

Is everyone missing the sarcastic humor??

it must be nice having a job where you get paid to waste time on useless activities.

Such events like this usually happen during lunch breaks.

you must be really popular at your place of employment.

Bright side? You got something that you needed..

crystal71669 10

Maybe no one but you wanted to do the secret Santa thing. Ease off on the nagging.

Then they shouldn't participate. Sounds more like they wanted a gift but didn't want to even try on getting another person one.

Goblin182 26

Maybe they thought you said Secret Satan

How on earth was this an activity that took weeks to organise? The giver was probably fed up with all your time waster emails on the matter!

I guess it depends on whether it was only a gift exchange, or an entire Christmas party: all the secret santas I've been to included food and fun activities. I've organized just one with my classmates (around 30 people), and it actually took more time than you'd think to prepare (shopping, decorating, finding a date that fits for everyone who wants to participate, signing people up for a potluck, following up on what they're bringing, check for allergies, picking names, preparing "extra presents" in case there are no-shows, renting tv and movies, asking people to bring games, organizing group activities, etc). So if there's many employees (like 50+), I could easily see how organizing it could take time.

Wow, that's a funny jerk move lol. Still, whoever it was, should've been mature enough to get you something. Or maybe that person just doesn't like the whole secret Santa thing and decided to prank you

philsh94 20

I'd hardly describe organising a secret Santa as tiring, all you have to do is put everyone's names in a hat and then draw them out to see who gets who

dubby21 19

Mine is good as well. Got a box of chocolates!..that they sale at the gift shop in the hospital I work. ;__; #bittersweet