By Anonymous - 17/10/2009 04:27 - United States

Today, my landlady decided to fix the leak in my room. Her solution was repainting the ceiling. Now not only is my room still wet but it now reeks of paint thinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 646
You deserved it 1 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahhh so that's how you fix things, you just paint over them. I'll be right back, i've got to go paint my car. I'll make sure to add some cool racing stripes to make it go even faster than before.

Go ask her if you can fix her face, and before she replies start painting away. Hey, you are only following by example.


That really sucks. You sound like you have a terrible land lady. Is there a way to report her?

she was only trying to help out , you should have just done it yourself ! whiney ungrateful little bitch .

He rents the place, he doesn't own it so he doesn't need to do any repairs or whatever!

ahhh so that's how you fix things, you just paint over them. I'll be right back, i've got to go paint my car. I'll make sure to add some cool racing stripes to make it go even faster than before.

If I paint my life blue, will that fix things? :P

Go ask her if you can fix her face, and before she replies start painting away. Hey, you are only following by example.

chimmy 0

She sounds like my landlord, and I rent in Missouri too... hmmm. If we do have the same landlord, I'm very sorry for you because she's definitely a slum lord!

stop paying rent till it's fixed. keep the money set aside so you can pay it as soon as it is fixed though.

Hermyoni 0

You didn't happen to take any photos of the damage before she painted over it did you? Either way if it's still leaking complain again and if she still doesn't fix things contact your housing or health department to come and inspect the premises. There might be even more problems you can't see due to the steady leak you have.

sportsnut 0

wtf, why does it smell like paint thinner....?