By fihifgni210 - 20/05/2009 16:54 - United States

Today, I decided to go tanning. I went outside and took my top off and laid out in the sun for about an hour. When I was about to go inside a phone rang. It belonged to one of the five men that were working on my roof and watching me the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 756
You deserved it 73 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would you not know people were working on your roof?

mrhahn530 0

You need any more roof work done? I'll work for free ;-).


haulkeel 0

So did they call to thank you or call to tell you to never do that again?

wow, and i'm sure you were just SO upset. you were suntanning topless and you thought no one would see you? it sounds like you wanted people to... totally agree with 41. and i agree with everyone else, this screams YDI. how would you not hear that?! or be conscious of your surroundings?

MandarinMustang 0
novella0013 0

YDI 1. How would you NOT notice they were there? 2. Why would you go outside TOPLESS in the FIRST place?

Lol @ #14... that's the only rational explanation!

How could not hear them working on the roof ya ******* attention *****.

ohboyscott 0

maybe she had headphones on. and #46 it's fun to tan nude. try it sometime, prude

thelion85 0

Tanning nude is quite enjoyable and negates the tan line problem, but don't be such a baby if someone sees.

Courtnaayy 0

Look at the brightside. I am sure those workers would love to work for you again xD You have workers for life now!

Haha!!! This sounds like exactly something I would do! Don't worry we all screw up! Haha love it!