By fihifgni210 - 20/05/2009 16:54 - United States

Today, I decided to go tanning. I went outside and took my top off and laid out in the sun for about an hour. When I was about to go inside a phone rang. It belonged to one of the five men that were working on my roof and watching me the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 756
You deserved it 73 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how would you not know people were working on your roof?

mrhahn530 0

You need any more roof work done? I'll work for free ;-).


Really? How can you be so dumb. I mean, as aforementioned, roofers are loud!! Gosh, you're dumb.

idreamofpeace 0

I agree with those wondering how you could possibly not know people were working on your roof! How stupid.

So did they just stare at you the entire time? Wouldnt you hear them working? duh

So not only did you forget that you had people working on your roof in the first place, but you managed to go an hour without noticing them? Even if they'd stopped working and stood around quietly just to watch you, they would have been loud before that point.

Jessicam2589 0

You're an idiot. 2 days ago a house 3 houses down was getting its roof worked on. You could've heard those hammers from a freaking mile away.

alyssamarie218 0

so, this happened to me, like, a half hour ago, only it was the men working on my neighbors roof and i didnt hear a phone, they just started wolf whistling

this is very similar to the an fml that was just posted about landscaping

hahahhahahaah how did you not know people were working on your house ! (:

Zirafina 0

Are you deaf? Roof work isn't exactly quiet.