By ThisChick - 06/07/2016 17:59 - United States - New Orleans

Today, I cringed at a memory of 5-year-old me going to restaurants I was brought to and stealing tip money because I thought it was free. I got to watch a kid do the same thing to me. Oh, sweet karma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 066
You deserved it 2 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you can stop that kid and keep him from doing it anymore. Karma chain broken, maybe?

Be that person to intervene that you needed when you were a kid.


Well even if it takes years karma will still get ya

Well, now you can stop that kid and keep him from doing it anymore. Karma chain broken, maybe?

Reminds me of danisnotonfire's video about cringe attacks

Tell the child that they make less money per hour and that these people depend on the tips..

Because a kid's really going to understand that…

A 5 year old won't understand that concept

Be that person to intervene that you needed when you were a kid.

In these kinds of situations it always makes me wonder, where are the parents?? I feel like if they were truly watching their kid they would notice them going from table to table scouting for cash!

I don't understand why kids would expect to take anything without asking their parents first. Doubly so for money. However, the concept of tiping is a pretty strange one so I can see why neither of you (as kids) understood what the money was supposed to be for. Hopefully the kid's parents will spot this next time and explain things.

Because they are kids maybe? Kids, especially younger kids, are curious and will grab anything even if it is just to take a look at it. At that age they don't care about things like 'ownership' or 'consequences'. That's what you as a parent are there for to teach them. But that doesn't mean they will always think about things like that.

r83839 22

As the caretaker of a 3-year-old who most definitely understands ownership and consequences, I disagree with that. 5-year-olds are more than old enough to understand not taking what isn't yours because it belongs to SOMEONE. If my 3-year-old kid can do it, kids who are going to school every day certainly can too.

Kids can understand ownership and consequences at 5 (or even less than 5), but I can understand how money just sitting on an otherwise empty table would look like free money to a kid. It would appear like someone had lost or for some reason intentionally abandoned it. Think about it, if it's reasonable to pocket money you see lying on the ground with nobody around to claim it, 5 year old kids would probably think the same applies to money you see lying anywhere with (apparently) nobody around to claim it, restaurant tables included.

If you saw the kid taking the money, which didn't you stop them?

Was that kid Dewey from Malcolm in the middle