By SilverAuthor - 29/07/2016 22:53 - United States - Detroit

Today, I slipped money into my mother's purse after she refused to let me pay for lunch. She caught me in the act and thought I was stealing money from her instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 342
You deserved it 2 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully you explained the situation and she understood, otherwise that would suck

I'm the same way OP. Now that I'm older, I pay for things that my mom would have usually paid for. Kind of like a "thank you" for being a great mom. Hopefully once you explain she'll understand.


You can't blame your mum for thinking that

wouldn't you kind of hope your mom would know you better than that?

Especially after you had been offering her money.

You couldn't have just left the money somewhere else? You should never go into a woman's purse.

You should have just let your mom pay for lunch. Moms love to pay for their children every now and again when they get older. It makes them feel good!

wish my mom would do such a thing....

Hopefully you explained the situation and she understood, otherwise that would suck

Hopefully she understood. Seems fairly obvious it was the other way around, as you had just insisted on paying for the meal... I hope she's not immune to logic

I'm the same way OP. Now that I'm older, I pay for things that my mom would have usually paid for. Kind of like a "thank you" for being a great mom. Hopefully once you explain she'll understand.

Good Intentions Bad Timing I'm sure if you explain she'd understand, OP

Apologize anyway and let her keep the money. You still get to help her out and she can save her pride