By uselessdad - 07/09/2010 23:48 - Singapore

Today, I came home to my wife crying. She had mixed up our newborn twin girls and couldn't tell which was which. I looked at the girls. Neither could I. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 051
You deserved it 8 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NicoleIsCrazy 0
sourgirl101 28


NicoleIsCrazy 0

take them down to the hospital and get them fingerprinted and check the birth certificate, even twins have different finger print grooves, problem solved=)

#34 that's so true! why didn't they think of that themselfs?

rosemary1990 0

awww :) i wish to have twins someday :D

stephanie0613 0

reminds me of that one episode on full house when jesse mixes up his twins . fybl

JillianlikesVogu 0

Hahaha OP that happened to my sister and I when we were babies, they just checked by foot prints and from then on we wore different colors with our names ironed on them. Not a big deal, my sister and I constantly poke fun at our mum and dad for it.

BoyFromTheFuture 0

aww, they're twins just divy out the names and try to keep them from getting switched again. If they find out one day that their names were switched it would be a funny story.

mona_is_here 10

They are still infants, so just dress them differently in order to know who is who. If you mixed them up, they wouldn't know and it wouldn't matter anyway because they are newborn.

Paint a toenail a different color. After you do what 34 suggested.

#58 I am a twin and I tell you : you do not wish to have twins or multiples. The risks of premature birth are higher (among other things, you should read about that), it is hard to take care of more than one kid at the same time (and expensive) and our psychological development is different, especially since everyone consider that we are "the twins" instead of "A" and "B". Babies may look cute when they are not yours but it's a great responsability.

go to the hopistel they can help then put something on them so u can tell!!!!!

34 is wise, though just a minor quibble, it's footprints for newborns. I do hope they do this in Singapore? 93's suggestion is also good. I wouldn't feel too bad, OP. I bet this is WAY more common than people might think. I'm not a parent but I've never understood how parents say they can tell by the personalities. They're newborns, how much personality do they have?


tianxing1012 0

i really dont see what the big deal is. they're babies? it doesnt really matter yet.

When it was decided who was who, i eouldve taken asharpie to there foreheads.

mrcoolkid566 0

yes34 does and I'm sure we'd all like to see those (.)(.) lol

iSometimes 5

64- lol I thought of the same thing. xD

Actually I sometimes suspect that happens all the time. Perhaps all identical twins have their identities swapped a few times before they're old enough to learn their own names.

I lawl too. I have no souls XD. This should have gone to learn from my fails. Because I'm definitely WILL remember when I married, NEVER dress my infants twins the same clothing just because it look cute.

182- no. Even babies have their own little personalities. And would you really just wanna say "Hey, you can be Kate and you can be Samantha! Maybe thats not who you were originally! Oh well!"

Full House is the first thing that came to my mind when I read this too! Haha

TheComputerGuy96 16

I'm from Singapore too. lol this is such a Singaporean thing to do

@cars819 It's not a very Singaporean thing to do. Every nation has some parents who would make these kinda mistakes.

as soon as I read this I thought of the episode of full house

sourgirl101 28
ohthebloodygore 16

I don't think it's so much as that. I believe it's more of 'I don't know my own kids' kind of FML.

Yeah, just go back to the doctor and check.

Yeah OP, footprint records. Haven't you ever seen Zack and Cody? :P

3- Great idea! I would feel awful if this ever happened to me!

violetsweety 26

Once you do what number 3, says then get the babies matching (diffrent colors) waterproof bracelets :D 

wethequeens123 1

that was on Zack and Cody and Full House

lmao! that sucks, but why didn't you just colour-code them?

haha yea one twin can be pink and the other purple or something.. clothe color.. not skin..

4: Maybe the mixup happened at bathtime or something. Though why you would change or dress them both simultaneously, I'm not sure...

if they're that young you wouldn't bathe them at the same time

106: u ruined lolomg69's imagination!!

FFML_314 11

CONGRATULATIONS. Twins are fun. Especially twin girls. Even more so when they're teenagers. Good luck. OK, FYL.

ohthebloodygore 16
ohthebloodygore 16

Ignorance, you're just so precious and full of love. You are the sunshine that lights up this world. Thank you for your kind words!

ohthebloodygore 16
ohthebloodygore 16

Sadly, you can't read when other people are being sarcastic. It's okay, Igloo. Now, go share your precious love with the rest of the world!

FFML_314 11

That's because she's a bitch. (That was sarcasm)

ohthebloodygore 16

Igloo, you don't know my height! You can't call me short unless you know. Giant!

FFML_314 11

You're under 5 feet, so you're a shorty.

ohthebloodygore 16

You're both giants. Don't squish me!

She's a precious shorty full of love, who has the sunshine shining out of her ass. :)

that chick is a flamer. she post tons of mean shit on a lot of ppls post. I think she gets off on it bc she's pathetic

RawrNom 0

they are his babies. don't be twisted :s

*ohthebloodygore* reading your bio makes me want to punch a homeless man.

magnetic_aura 26

#264 - So, your content made me want to read her bio. And her description of herself makes her out to be a horrible person. Narcissistic, shallow and dumb. Ick.

ElectricGhost_fml 5

oh I would be soo sad!!! but on the bright side you can always guess haha idk =P

You can henna tattoo them! LOL I hope this never happens to me if I have twins, and if I do, I'm so stealing the idea of painting one toenail on each baby. One green one blue!

They won't stay still long enough for the nailpolish to dry, if that's what you meant!

Or you could always just put dog collars on them! :D Haha!

we labeled my twin cousins. they always wore shirts with their names on them and they also had anklets with their names on them.

xXxDestinyXxX 0

#13: Good ideas for every parent of twins. OP, just because you could not tell them apart does not mean you are bad parents. They look EXACTLY THE SAME! Anyone could make that mistake. Try what #13 said, they put names on the labels of clothing at daycare centers.. why not take advantage of that for your own kids?