By tickle spunk - 29/12/2011 18:39 - United States

Today, I came home and told my mom that I got the lead in the school musical, which I was very happy about. She pulled me into a hug then said, "But you know you can't really sing, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 926
You deserved it 3 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

linnie_wesker 20

She's just being a bitch. I used to do plays and musicals in high school, and trust me they wouldn't have picked you for the lead if you were terrible.

Just wait till everyone in the crowd is crying because you were such an amazing singer. Then on stage look at your mom and give her the finger. >:)


What's the FYL about? Accept the challenge and prove her wrong!

crabbyabbie 0
coocoocachoo2 2

Or it could mean that the rest of people who tried to get the role sucks more than you, thus making you the "best".

obviously whoever chose you disagrees with her

chels1994 11

I literally said to my mom one time that after she said I couldn't play sports after I made A team I said its alright at least if I get famous I can stop eating your shit:)

It's better to be #9 and say a decent comment than to be first comment with a dumb comment or pitiful joke ;)