By Miriam - 10/12/2016 08:44

Today, I attended a white elephant party at work and the box I picked had whisky and beer. Since I am a Muslim, I took it to my Christian friend's house and gave it to him. As I was walking there, I passed my imam on the street. Awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 790
You deserved it 1 279

Same thing different taste

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Well, I mean, if they ask you, you could always explain. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Well the point of a white elephant gift is to be useless and hard to get rid of, so whoever bought that had much more success than they intended


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We're so used to genuine stupidity these days, apparently it's hard to notice when somebody is obviously pretending.

come on guys, this is obviously a joke :)

NereidAlbel 14

Nope, alcohol is perfectly fine for Muslims, unless you translate "do not drink this one specific wine" as "no alcohol ever."

it's debated but let people worship whatever they want however they see fit as long as they're not hurting anyone

Well, I mean, if they ask you, you could always explain. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

ah65466 6

That's because your don't know much about Islam. I think that what she did would still be considered wrong. I'm a Muslim btw.

I had to google what a white elephant party was. It seems to fit well something that costs a bit but if fairly useless. Unless I'm googling the wrong thing?

It's basically Yankee Gift Swap. Which might send you googling again, come to think of it.

Basically everyone brings a gift of a certain value for no one in particular, it all gets placed in a pile, and people pick gifts at random not knowing what they'll receive.

Well the point of a white elephant gift is to be useless and hard to get rid of, so whoever bought that had much more success than they intended

tounces7 27

Wouldn't it have been the exact opposite if anyone else had gotten it though?

Which is why it makes this FML so hilarious :D

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OP didn't buy the alcohol, she received it as part of a random gift exchange at work.

I imagine some Muslims wouldn't be too thrilled about a woman in public without a burqa, but different sects of different religions choose to acknowledge different parts of their doctrines.

Google is a wonderful thing. You should try it!

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Thanks for that, Aldous Huxley. Just saying, if its such a "wtf"-worthy word, its pretty easy to figure out.

Did you explain to him? That's sweet of you to regift it though. :)

Could have been worse. Your friend could have been Mormon. We don't drink either.