By Anonymous - 03/11/2011 05:18 - Australia

Today, I came home after a short trip. Walking through the door, an overpowering smell indicated that in my rush to leave I'd forgotten to bring the cat litter tray indoors. The place was covered in cat urine. It was as if I'd created a cycling ecosystem of evaporated urine turning into urine rain-clouds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 992
You deserved it 29 188

Same thing different taste


capnhananah 0
mj_ok 9

Oh man, FYL:( next time don't forget

Don't feel too bad, they more than likely would have peed in places other than the litterbox anyway. My cat always did, as a way to get back at me for leaving her. As long as I came home everyday, she used the litterbox.

Well. Looks like *puts glasses on* urine a bit of trouble! YYEEEAAHHHH!

I think that last sentence was one of the greatest and most disgusting sentences I've ever read. Good job. Oh and yeah your life sucks.

Fatal_rei 3

Cat: Today, my owner left me and forgot to bring back my litter box. I have no idea when they'll be back...I can't hold it any longer. FML

SkardeyKat 3

You're never gonna get that smell completely out of your stuff. It's best to just burn the house and all your possessions and start over.

Kitty wanna go for a ride in the dryer?