By person - 10/06/2009 11:03 - United States

Today, I busted my ass to help this old lady move her stuff because she was going to a nursing home. I was told I would get paid. When I finished four hours later the lady took me to a room and told me to pick out anything in her little goody bag. I got a race car as payment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 377
You deserved it 9 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And there was absolutely no way you could turn this story to attract girls?


i love how you picked the race car in the end. classic!

Poor old lady prob had no money. where are the days when someone would help without expecting something in return.

Sum414141 0
RiverRelic 0

Maybe with a proper education, you could get "payed" to do a real job. Either volunteer to do the job for free or agree on the amount up front.

he spelt it right..... your the one that didn't

And there was absolutely no way you could turn this story to attract girls?

screw old ladies! they never know what labour is worth you should have asked for a quick **** in her goodie bag. that would have caught the old bitch off guard

screw old ladies! they never know what labour is worth you should have asked for a quick **** in her goodie bag. that would have caught the old bitch off guard

uhazsquiads 0

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#3 It's not about not doing something if you won't get paid, it's about the lady telling him he would get paid. These days most people don't equate getting paid to getting a toy race car. FYL dude, I would be so pissed if that happened to me.

Random_Poster 0

You should have taken her walker. That would've showed her for sure.