By anyomous - 26/06/2010 03:19 - United States

Today, I bought tickets for my friends and me to go to a concert. While I was in the shower, they ditched me and took my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 882
You deserved it 4 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awesomechick618 0

just to be clear, those people are not your friends, real friends don't do shit like that. that's just wrong.


alphabetsoup25 4

Awwwwwww i'm sorry OP. hop she remembers now.

I do not understand how people can be this mean. I thought friends dont stab eachother in the back?

The fact that your "friends" did that to you it's really just proof they are a bunch of assholes ready to be ditched. Same for your girlfriend. I would never do that to my boyfriend. They should at least give you the money.

22, I agree. It sounds like the friends thought it'd be more fun to include her.. And, if he were soo generous- able to afford multiple tickets- he could've splurged a little more, & everyone would've gone. & you other boys are crazy about the anti-gf shit.. Seems that she lives there, why does Op feel he needs to exclude her? How is she clingy if it's a f*cking concert that everyone else is going to?