By Sam - 01/11/2009 23:10 - Canada

Today, I bought an iTunes giftcard worth $50. I tried to scratch off the little silver thing covering the code with a pair of scissors. I scratched so much that it's now unreadable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 777
You deserved it 58 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you enter an incorrect code enough times it gives you the option to "get help" which lets you type in the serial number.

100lol 0

Which is why you use a coin...


that's why it say scratch of gently with COIN. if you had to use scissors I feel sorry for you. a coin is always handy even if you have to ask someone for one.

Baluvagyok 7

Wow you're smart...try a coin next time...

just email the iTunes store with a scan of the front and back of your card and they'll give you a code to redeem it (:

Bring your receipt in and they will give you the same code

Bring the receipt in, the store can verify what the code was

shrdlu 28

Been there, done that. Hope it's resolved by now.

nicky3636 5

Why buy a gift card of $50 if you can just pay $50 at the itunes store?

Email apple support. They'll give you a new code.