By Crissylove10 - 18/01/2010 20:12 - United States

Today, I bought a fake "wedding ring" at Target to play a prank on my parents. They kicked me out, saying my "fiancé" can take care of me now. There is no fiancé, and I just lost my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 112
You deserved it 43 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unemployed? Sounds like the perfect time to waste money on pranks.


wow... you showed them........................

sooooo... they kicked you out the second you told them before you could tell them you were kidding? Sounds a bit fishy to me

This is FAKE, she obviously DOES have a fiancé because she is using his bloody computer!!!

Bleeding 0

Okay, so you lost your job, but you have money to blow on a fake wedding ring to prank your parents? wtf

the lost the job part at the end killed me, hahaha

show em the reciept and tell them it was a prank and there's no feonce lol

Should have just filled the entire house with cases of home made sports drinks instead.

wildfiresgirl 7

You should've waited till April 1st to do that. There probably would've been less of a commotion since there was more of a chance of them putting two and two together.