By Crissylove10 - 18/01/2010 20:12 - United States

Today, I bought a fake "wedding ring" at Target to play a prank on my parents. They kicked me out, saying my "fiancé" can take care of me now. There is no fiancé, and I just lost my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 112
You deserved it 43 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unemployed? Sounds like the perfect time to waste money on pranks.


YDI for wasting money on shit that aint even funny. After u got unemployeed

I'm guessing they just wanted an excuse to be rid of you.

hightower64 0

They figure they let you live with them, can't keep a job, but have money to buy a ring? Plus they were mad u didn't talk to them before. Already disappointed + offended + sad = your ass on the street.

If you lost your job, how the HELL do you have money to waste on a FAKE engagement ring? And how would it get to the point of you getting kicked out because they think you are engaged? You simply say you aren't really engaged and listen to a lecture on how irresponsible you are for spending money when you don't have a job. You deserve it because you are stupid.

So they didn't want to meet your 'fiancé' or anything? And they booted you out the second they heard you had someone else to leech off of. Sounds like a pleasant family.

xlostwithoutu 0

Nice. YDi beg them to let u back in I guess... if that fails ur on ur own,

twilitchaser15 0

well that wasnt a very funny prank was it now? ydi for being an idiot