By Sam - 21/05/2009 02:17 - Canada

Today, I ordered more memory and a new hard drive for my computer. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 972
You deserved it 8 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this isn't that bad, new hard drives are nice 8)

or maybe only computer related things excite you


this isn't that bad, new hard drives are nice 8)

mmyoung979 14

I think it's worse that nobody made the connection and a pun about him needing computer memory and also not being able to remember. It's obvious that OP is the metaphorical computer.

deegee12 0

people who post fmls about how they cant remember when they last were excited, or that they havent had sex in a while, or havent talked to girls in awhile...have no lives. YDI..if you are unhappy about something like this in your life get up off your butt and do something about it duhh

Paradoxasaurus 0

OP probably doesn't mind that he gets excited about it, he just realizes how pathetic it would seem to most people. And you can't just go out and have sex. I'm not going to explain why, because if you can't figure that out for yourself you should be more self-conscious, outwardly critical.

or maybe only computer related things excite you

AK 2

Different people have different interests. Nothing to be ashamed of; definitely not an FML.

meandmoi_fml 0

If you got a new motherboard, you'd probably need a new keyboard pretty soon...

Damn! You just reminded me to buy that new hard drive for my 360. (:

ApplaudtheActor 0

@ post #2 - Is it really effective to lecture someone via internet forum? (says the girl trying to make a point in the same way)

this is totally normal... or at least my life is ****** up too hahah!

right? computer parts are expencive and I get excited every new build I make

Man, computer upgrades are exciting, especially if you play graphic-intensive games. I love upgrades. But... there are plenty of things that excite me more. Loser!