By KAAALIS - 16/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, I bit my boyfriend's neck. I felt something squirt into my mouth. Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck. Into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 738 206
You deserved it 495 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#5: many guys (myself included) dig neck-biting without being vampires. #9: it doesn't take much to pop a pimple if it's already near bursting. Everyone else: you're absolutely right, this is beyond disgusting.


Gloeihdamae 0

Oh wow. XD That's hilarious. How big was this pimple?!

btheritt 0

ahhhh that's so disgusting!

#13, ditto. This is so gross. I agreed with you that your life is ****** but I'm starting to think you deserved it. How did you not see the pimply neck? GROOOSSSSSSSS........ewww...... this is foul!

@14 having baby smooth skin isn't all that's not really manly me i know cause i have smooth skin xD and i WAS hungry for lunch but after reading this..not so much =

Yinzernation87 0

wow thats gross as ever, did yinz still do it?

so_f0cked 0

Oh wow. I imagine it would be more awkward/embarrassing than anything else! But still, yucckkkk! Better luck next time? haha happy biting :-)

i feel ur pain cuz once my mom was popping my sisters pimple i was watcing and grosses out... then it popped and a bunch of white stuff was on my face.. :( ur not the only one