Great expectations

By Anonymous - 23/10/2020 08:08 - United Kingdom - London

Today, after making love to my boyfriend, I went upstairs to shower. After turning it on, I found a huge pimple on my leg and the prospect of popping it excited me more than my boyfriend ever had in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 132
You deserved it 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I take it he has a really small pimple. And maybe it pops very quickly?

tounces7 27

Perhaps your boyfriend needs to find someone who appreciates him?


I take it he has a really small pimple. And maybe it pops very quickly?

Maybe all the ones on your ass turn off your boyfriend.

tounces7 27

Perhaps your boyfriend needs to find someone who appreciates him?

you're not supposed to pop them, it potentially causes more skin problems, doing so.

Communication is key. Help him improve instead of complaining.

I only put YDI because sex sometimes requires communication so people know what you like. Maybe discuss what he could do to spice things up, or you could do something.