By Aintnosunshine - 31/12/2008 03:48 - France

Today, I attended a speed dating evening. After 7 minutes, the girl told me she wasn't interested. I asked her at what point of the conversation she had made up her mind, she answered: "When you said 'Hello'. Goodbye". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 287
You deserved it 2 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

minnie481 0

Well know you know why she is not taken.


minnie481 0

Well know you know why she is not taken.


Shallow bitch. Good thing you didn't go out with her.

happygoluckyhh 0

HAHAHA! You lost her at "Hello"... sorry but it was funny. Hope the other dates were better.

Ouch... thats ****** up... :-/ wat a bitch... FYL.

ohh poor rejection dnt worry she isnt worth it lmfao

rjeezy14 0