By telefucked - 31/07/2010 07:35 - United States

Today, my parents switched phone companies, which changed the phone number. Two days ago, I dropped off over 15 job applications with my 'old' number on all of them. There is a waiting period before I can reapply anywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 609
You deserved it 4 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why dont you just call where you applied, give them your name, and let them know your number has been changed. is your brain functioning?

YDI for not knowing you can just call these employers and let them know you need to make a change to your application.


why dont you just call where you applied, give them your name, and let them know your number has been changed. is your brain functioning?

its funny because you cant get in to those 15 jobs because your phone number changed

uhazsquiads 0

lol nice name OP but still that sucks :/

it's funny because you said "it's funny because you can't get in to those 15 jobs because your phone number changed."

If it's a cell phone, you have 30 or 60 days to port your number out, which typically takes less than a week. I'm guessing that's not the case - but honestly, most places won't hire applicants that don't call back about the application status. tldr - stop bitching and think.

my thoughts exactly. not only is it a simple solution to the problem, it shows that you're serious about getting the job (as opposed to just dropping off an application and forgetting about it).

or he could just be very lazy and wait it out...that's what I'd do >_>

YDI for having parents that like 'change'.

YDI for not knowing you can just call these employers and let them know you need to make a change to your application.

OP, don't bother... with your reasoning you just proved you don't deserve A JOB... ANY JOB. All you had to do was call them and give them your new number, that simple. And please, get yourself a cell phone, and stop blaming your folks for your mistakes. q

Go in to where you DROPPED them off and check the 'status', then tell them your # changed

its funny cayse u are an idiot who doesnt realise that u can call

spaceboyftw 0

haha u have just been telefucked

yeah just call the places back. and get a cell phone, tard

Good luck getting a job that way. Also, you NEVER call people to inire about the application process. If you are going to check on it, always go in person so that they don't get the impression that you're a lazy ass who won't take a little while out of your schedule to go to the business and ask in person.

iamepiclee 3

eeeeeeee, sux for you! why don't u go by where u apply and update them, or call them. sometimes employers lk when people take initiative, but what do I no? ;)

You ought to call them and let them know, give them the heads up.

iR0ckSkinnys 3

Wow that really sucks! Did you put your email down too? Maybe they can contact you by that?

squishy_pillow 0

As has been said before, call or stop by to update your resume with the new number. that's pretty common knowledge...

oxoashleeoxo 6

Yeah, the smart thing to do would be to call them and give them your new phone number. If not, your obviously not deperate for a job.

Maybe if they call and don't get an answer, they will email you. But if you knew you were going to get a new phone soon you should've waited until you knew what your new number was going to be.