By idontevengetpaid - 05/09/2016 04:35 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, I arrived at my internship at 7 am after three hours of sleep with a massive hangover. When I got there, my boss told me he had made a mistake and I was meant to come in next week. He then said, "Well, now that you're here, you might as well get some work done. Come in next week as well." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 146
You deserved it 15 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You probably shouldn't have been drinking heavily the night before you were supposed to go in. Even if your boss told you the wrong week, clearly you thought you were supposed to work.

You most absolutely deserved this. You drank, you stayed out all night. YDI.


You most absolutely deserved this. You drank, you stayed out all night. YDI.

hellobobismyname 24

Agreed. If you drink that much before a working day, you better make sure you can handle it. My staff party was the night before my work day and everyone was really drunk, including myself. I stayed up super late, and only had maybe 2 hours sleep. Still, I woke up extra early feeling like shit, made sure to get to work earlier than usual to do extra work assigned to me and another coworker, and made myself perform to my usual standards because I made the conscious decision to wake up with a hangover and so it was my responsibility to do a good job despite that. My coworker however, came in 40 minutes late, leaving me to do everything and acting hungover and didn't accept responsibility for his decisions. Don't be like that. If you know you won't want to work and won't perform as well, then you shouldn't drink on a work night. If you do, suck it up, and do a good job because you have no right to complain :) Point is, whether you were more like me or my coworker, you still deserved it. Just like I did. At least you had fun the night before!

She might have had to work both weeks even if she was in a normal state.

26 - But she thought she had to come in the first week. Even if she wasn't supposed to she shouldn't have drank if she thought she had work and that it would effect her work.

Maybe she hasn't had bad experiences with it in the past.

jentrynicole 20

You probably shouldn't have been drinking heavily the night before you were supposed to go in. Even if your boss told you the wrong week, clearly you thought you were supposed to work.

Well really it was your own fault for partying too hard when you knew you had stuff to do

If you knew (or in this case thought) that you had to work the next day. Why get wasted?

Well, besides the fact that you shouldn't ha e been drinking the day before you start a job, at least you got a chance to get use to the work environment before you officially start working. Let this be a lesson, OP, but all the best nonetheless

I hope OP is getting paid for it, otherwise that's bullshit.

mariri9206 32

46, it's likely an unpaid internship, which OP would've known about when they applied for/interviewed for/accepted it. What's BS isn't that they aren't getting paid, but, rather, the fact that OP decided to be irresponsible and get so drunk they were hungover on a day they knew they had to be somewhere early.

Why would you drink if you knew you had to be at you're internships at 7am? YDI

As everyone else says, YDI for drinking the day before (you thought) your internship started. But aren't internships in general/often unpaid? So you get a week extra of experience and the chance to make a good impression on your boss? Can't quite see why you're complaining.

Probably complaining about having to work while having a bad hangover. OP deserved it though.

Internships in Brazil are usually payed. But his nickname suggests that his isn't

A week extra of grueling work is not to be considered as a good thing or "experience" in some cases.

Depends... But I have to do one for my MSc degree, and I'm sure as hell not doing an unpaid internship!

why would you drink heavy before your first day of work

I hope the office machines aren't loud! Sshhhhh. Sorry for using an exclamation point.

Why would you drink the night before work? Especially if it's a new job? That's really irresponsible and you definitely deserve it.