By Annakins - 06/06/2010 18:31 - United States

Today, I am 9 months pregnant. I had a dream where I successfully pushed and gave birth to my son. Meanwhile, in the real world, I successfully pushed and gave birth to a large dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 232
You deserved it 7 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments


atleast u didn't pop out ur baby in your sleep haha.

nothing is wrong with smoking some weed(:

lilai1396 0

88- I don't know why, but I must know about the genius thing. Like school wise, common sense wise? Did you take like an IQ test? Just wondering because I have been thought to have an excellent intelligence level but my common sense fails… So yeah…

I saw this in moderation and said no. Why? Crapping is something everyone does, therefore crapping does not make your life suck. This is the 2nd dumbest "FML" on this site.

Oh wait.. they shit in their bed. Horribly worded IMO.

Did you misread it twice? >_>

Wow. Reading comprehension fail. Probably due to the marijuana I imagine you smoked recently. I think it's nicely worded, funny, fresh, and really really easy to understand. I can't even imagine how someone could have misread it. Dreams she's giving birth, meanwhile in real life *****. It's obvious people are in bed while they are dreaming. Edit: LOL, vocabulary fail is icing on the cake.

And, I do know that you dream in your sleep I just thought it was slightly confusing at first. It could have been interpreted in a couple different ways.

Well, as long as no one will call me a dumb ass, I read it as they dreamt they were givin birth but in real life they were ********. However the ******** took place AFTER said dream. That's how I read it.

Insight you... You misread it during moderation AND when it got posted.

Not really. I recognized it after the first few words and decided to comment. Have I cleared everything up yet or shall I explain something else?

abplafcan 0

Did you over-look the word "meanwhile"? that would explain the confusion.

Yes I guess I did. Thank you for not immediately critisizing me.

Don't worry Primus I was thinking the same thing. I don't know if that makes it any better but I thought this was worded badly too.

I don't see what's so poorly worded about it. It even makes perfect sense if you skip the word "meanwhile". Maybe some people just need to go back to first grade and learn how to read again.

Whatever, I'm a ******* genius I just thought she meant daydreaming or something for some reason.

That would be a lovely family story. xD

"...had a dream..." = daydream? And if you're a genius, why did you forget your punctuation? :] Yeah, I really don't get what's wrong with the wording. I like it and didn't have any trouble understanding it.

Yes. I'm just lazy. Don't know why I thought daydreaming. I guess I'm not thinking straight today

Ah, I know the feeling. It's fine to be smart but have off moments (e.g. me throwing the food in the trash instead of the napkin...) :D

Mr_Zachary 0

intox up in this bitch pwning your nabs.

shibainu519 0
troll4thelulz 0
fortunefades 3

either way, it's all the same

xXBrokenByLoveXx 3
itz_towelie 6

i think it would be worse for her husband (assuming she's married) that would suck waking up, and rolling over, only to find yourself rolling into a puddle of crap... poor guy