Congratulations. Or not.

By Anonymous - 24/10/2019 14:03

Today, I was told that I will be a father in 2 months. I had a one night stand about 7 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 778
You deserved it 2 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

If you are the father (a DNA test in these circumstances is always a good idea) time to step up.


Get an attorney ASAP to protect your rights. You should negotiate a DNA test, visitation, parental rights, religion, money, etc.



Get an attorney ASAP to protect your rights. You should negotiate a DNA test, visitation, parental rights, religion, money, etc.

Mathalamus 24

Why? If the man doesn't want the child,he should not want anything to do with said child.

but if he doesn't negotiate for it now the mother could **** him over later

Doesn't matter if he wants the child or not. If the DNA proves its his, finding out custody and child support early helps so he's not blindsided. He may realize he doesn't mind having a child, and it saves him $2-400 a month in child support.

Mungolikecandy 19

If you are the father (a DNA test in these circumstances is always a good idea) time to step up.

Well, that's the one! Congrats on your wedding and new baby!

7 months ago you had sex and now in 2 months you will be a father and in 20 years your child can put a mean up that say 21 years ago 2 people had sex and now I have to work ( I think that’s how it goes I’ve only Sean it once on Facebook

Did you not know that's how babies are made?

Your last name isn’t Skywalker by chance is it?

and you obviously didn't use protection so....ydi

Because protection is 100% reliable and never ever fails.

Abstinence is the only 100% effective method.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

nothing's 100% not even the woman

Or as the meme says, 99% effective. Mary was a virgin, after all.

Michael Sawyer 11

Mary carried and gave birth to Jesus without the touch of a man...BUT SHE WAS MARRIED. she was NO VIRGIN.

E2dav 5

Although you don't sound too happy about it, congratulations. It sounds like at least she wants you involved in the baby's upbringing. If it's yours, time to take responsibility.

Definitely get a DNA test. Full term pregnancies are 40 weeks (10 months) long. There’s a chance that the child is not yours.

40 weeks is 9 months. A week is 7 days, 4weeks= 28 days. So every month there's 2-3 days extra and it works out to 9 months. Just sayin.

It’s 9 calendar months maybe, but if you go on the accepted assumption that one month is four weeks, the 40/4=10. 10 months. It all depends on what you consider a month.

Michael Sawyer 11

not all months are only 4 weeks. of the 12 months in the year ONLY February is exactly 4 weeks(28 days). Most have 4.5-5 weeks in each month.

That's the risk when you stick it in..