By Username - 22/11/2010 22:39

Today, I admitted to my boyfriend of three years that I have been suffering from depression for a while now. He took it as a good time to dump me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 428
You deserved it 4 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he dump you because of the depression? Or because he was going to anyway? The former is a douche move and be glad to be rid of him. However if it's the latter he might well be going to support you through it as a friend, I can see why he might not want to prolong the relationship for such reasons but might find other ways to support you.

your (ex) boyfriend is an asshole... find someone who will accept who you are!


Your worried about people starving in Africa? 1 in 4 Americans aren't rich fat slobs and won't enjoy a thanksgiving dinner just family.

mountiegal 0

maybe since you're rid of the jerk, things will start to look up....

Illyssa_fml 4 was a douche move but, I guess I can see his reasoning

so relateable, but my baby is always with me :) And I'm there for him too.

this is not a FML. staying with someone out of pity is horrible. what makes anyone think they should be loved for their faults and weaknesses? this chick was dumped by a guy that was honest with himself, which i think is great. she cant expect people to love her for her faults, out of pity. if she does, she is in for lifetime of disappoinment,

you have some good points, but it won't make her feel any better. She still depressed, and now she's lost her boyfriend. Even if it's not his faaults, it still counts as an FML

diamond28 0

dude.. depression isn't a fault or weakness.. its a freakin phase.. And if this guy can't handle a downer.. in his relationship.. How the hell does he expect anything to be consistent in his life!

Sexywifey91 0

why are you worried about the kids in Africa?obviously Russell brand has already taken care of that situation so unless you intend to fly there yourself shut your piehole! that is all:)

this happened to me too men are just idiots

Now you just made yourself look like an idiot.

Sounds bad from this perspective hmmm I wish we could see the other side of these FMLs though

deppression's not about how bad ur life is, it's a chemical imbalance in the brain, soo fack u

OP, I really hope that you're going to a therapist or at least considering going. Trust me, I've learned the hard way that not seeking help for your depression is the worst thing you can do. Going to a therapist isn't going to solve all of your problems immediately, but over time, you can start to find ways to help yourself.