Wakey wakey

By Tanya - 30/05/2019 11:26

Today, I found shit smeared into the carpet and I wasn’t sure who to blame, the dog, the newborn baby or the 60-year-old alcoholic mother-in-law whose husband had finally thrown her out. I did eventually find her passed out drunk in my flower bed with shit all down her legs though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 403
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It seems like it's your turn to kick her out now. You shouldn't have her around a new born baby if she's going to be acting like that. She's an adult. She needs to grow up and learn to take care of herself. She'll never stop drinking if there aren't severe consequences for it. She can go join the other FML alcoholics in AA.

I'm sorry but at that point put her in a home or something


Since she shit in the flower bed, you can narrow down the carpet shit to the dog or the baby. Your local CSI team can make a positive ID. Hopefully, they have some slow days to deal with your shit, literally.

bloopaloop 27

What??? No “shitty situation” pun? I’m disappointed in you.

It seems like it's your turn to kick her out now. You shouldn't have her around a new born baby if she's going to be acting like that. She's an adult. She needs to grow up and learn to take care of herself. She'll never stop drinking if there aren't severe consequences for it. She can go join the other FML alcoholics in AA.

mr_dinzaster 16

Wow I’d like to party with her

Umm time to give her the boot & drunks around baby's is always a dangerous situation just waiting to happen

I'm sorry but at that point put her in a home or something