
By Anonymous - 22/05/2019 02:04

Today, it's been so long since my wife has been interested in me intimately, I became aroused when a woman touched my arm while talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 425
You deserved it 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WeirdUS 29

Is she upset at you or not happy with how you are in bed? I'd seriously start asking questions.

Don’t worry, she getting it somewhere else.


bloopaloop 27

Look at girls butts when they walk by. Your wife will want more of your attention. Works for me! Remember: look, but don’t touch.

Don’t worry, she getting it somewhere else.

Umm time for a serious heart to heart there's only afew things that would cause a prolonged lack of intimacy 1.the obvious cheating, 2. mental or physical issues that are embarrassing, shameful, or don't want to be delt with,3. she has fallen out of love, 4.shes doing it to manipulate you (and you might not even be aware she is, I wasn't entill someone pointed it out to me and I did some research into female narcissism),5. she's only using you (in possible combination with #1& or 4)for financial or social status means. sorry for ya OP

WeirdUS 29

Is she upset at you or not happy with how you are in bed? I'd seriously start asking questions.

OP, did you apologize to Sister Agnes? ;-)

Are you Mike Pence? Because that would explain why you never meet a woman without the presence of your wife, and also why you call said wife "Mother".