By Anonymous - 06/06/2016 04:57 - United States - Frisco

Today, for the first time ever, one of my birthday wishes came true. I wished for my crush to come hang out with me, and she did. I wasted my birthday wish on an awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 530
You deserved it 3 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ber4fun 23

At least you got to spend it with someone you like. Just don't let your shy side completely take over when you see her again.


ber4fun 23

At least you got to spend it with someone you like. Just don't let your shy side completely take over when you see her again.

OhhoHOHo great advice man 100% A+ all my problems solved!

Can be awkward at first, especially if you both like one another. Give it time and maybe have some mutual friends around for the next meeting.

I met my partner online and we had been talking for over a month before we met in person. It was super awkward, but the next day we hung out again and we were fine. It really does just take some time sometimes. We've been together now for 3 years :D

sylvienoir 18

I met my boyfriend on WoW and we didn't hold hands for months because we were so weird around each other irl. We've been together for over 6 years now. :)

My boyfriend wouldn't make eye contact for our first two dates as he's so shy. We've been together almost a year now.

MetalxSoldier 26

You should have also wished for confidence. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have more chances to hang out with her. Everyone gets shy sometimes.

Next time you guys hang out, talk about how awkward it was and just laugh it off

Did you know conversation works both ways? I feel like there's more to this story.

Well that's just the icing on the cake

The universe can you only provide you with the situation... It can't make you take advantage of it. You blew it op! Happy birthday though.

Say anything, even if it's that you really shy around her because she's pretty.