By Killme - 13/07/2016 02:10

Today, as a birthday present, my friends threw a surprise party for me. I was so surprised, I pissed myself in front of everyone, including my crush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 139
You deserved it 2 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never knew how common pissing oneself due to fright or surprise is until this website.

Justy101 23

Well, at least they didn't scare the shit out of you.


Well, Op I say you blame your friends. Say your sick and quickly throw up too cover and save face.

Coming up with the excuse of having a bladder infection usually works in cases like this.

And then immediately follow it up with "...Oh yeah, and I'm extremely contagious".

So they literally scared the piss out of you.

Justy101 23

Well, at least they didn't scare the shit out of you.

No! Take off your coat. Stay awhile. Care for a refreshment? We have filtered water, coke, beer, and red or white wine. Also cheese and crackers, and pepperoni for zest.

Don't feel bad OP. Friends are the best like mentioned earlier

Better having friends that throw a party for you rather than "friends" that don't care. It'll be a funny story for the future though, best of luck with your crush op

I never knew how common pissing oneself due to fright or surprise is until this website.

I feel like this is just something you guys will be able to laugh about in future even if it's embarrassing now. If they're your real friends, which it sounds like they are, they won't mind too much

awildwhisper 30

Sounds like your friends did a good job with the surprise!

Looks like you surprised them right back!